Tips on How to Stay Safe This Summer
With summer right around the corner, heat related injuries can become a serious danger to all of us trying to stay fit. As the weather becomes warmer and sunny we feel drawn to take our exercises outside which can allow us to be susceptible to heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and even heat stroke. Here are some tips that will allow you to be smart with your body this summer.
Stay Hydrated – When trying to push through exercises this summer, it is vital for your body to remain hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is the easiest way to keep your functioning at its highest levels but you can also add more fruit into your diets, especially at meals before long and strenuous workouts. Sports drinks can also be used to replenish what your body loses throughout your exercises.

Keep an Eye on the Temperatures – Finding the best time of the day to get your workout in this summer such as before temperatures peek in the mornings or after the sun goes down at night can help you stay away from heat related injuries. Watching humidity levels are also important and can help you plan your exercise routine accordingly.
Dress Appropriately – Wearing loose fitting clothes that are light in color to help reflect the sun rays can be important when trying to stay safe this summer. You can also use light long sleeves that can block the sun from damaging your skin. Many clothing companies now provide moisture-wicking options that are breathable and absorb the sweat your body produces.

Use Sunscreen – When preparing to be outside for long periods of time, it is important to use proper protection in the form of sunscreen. When choosing which sunscreen to buy, make sure to use SPF 15 at the lowest. Sunscreens that are water and sweat resistant are a must as well since we are exercising right?

Listen to your Body – Even though we are trying to push our body to become fit, we cannot ignore signs or symptoms that our body is giving us to take a break. No matter how bad we want to shed those unwanted pounds we must listen to what our bodies are telling us. If you start a day by feeling exhausted or dehydrated maybe taking a day off is more beneficial than trying to push your body through extreme measures. Although your body transformation may be delayed a day so that you can rest and recuperate, your safety is much more important.